The third and final step in this advanced SEO process is to “provide high-quality content on Banner Design your pages, especially your homepage,” according to Google. "It's the most important thing to do." “If your pages contain useful information, their content will attract many visitors and encourage webmasters to link to your site,” adds the search engine. Uh, okay. So how do marketers and SEO professionals do this? Well, strategically, we all need to pay more attention to trends and less attention to events. In other words, we should spend less time trying to see things as they are and asking “Why?” Banner Design and more time dreaming about things that never were and asking, “Why not?” Advertising Continue reading below If they apply this strategic information to the Google Merchandise Store, we'll lose less sleep trying to figure out why no one searches for items like the "Google Fanny Pack" anymore. Instead, we'll want to spend every waking hour trying to imagine new categories of merchandise such as: Google Calendar and scheduler for algorithm updates. Google Cardboard Coffee Cup Sleeves Banner Design and Coasters .
Google Classroom masks and hand sanitizers . Banner Design Google Cloud children 's raincoat and umbrella set . Google Gnome for voice-activated backyard living. Google Maps and wall decor for the home office . Google Giant stuffed panda and penguin . Google Sheets and pillowcases for the guest room. Google Workspace pens, notepads and glasses . YouTube shorts and unisex joggers for online meetings. Tactically, it won't be difficult for the Google Merchandise Store Banner Design to find examples of websites that provide high-quality content on their pages that also provide visitors with the information they seek. In fact, they are hidden in plain sight. For example, what do you see when you visit the Google Analytics Help page on "Getting Started with Analytics"? You see an embedded YouTube video titled Google Analytics: Getting Started. Banner Design Advertising Continue reading below Now what do you see when you scroll down the page on Google Search Console Tools? There are four YouTube videos on the training with a link below for even "more videos". 3 Strategic SEO Insights & 038;
Tactical tips for 2021 Now look at the top of the Search Console Help Center webmaster Banner Designguidelines page and tell me what you see. It's an embedded YouTube video called Webspam Content Violations. Advertising Continue reading below Although the vast majority of SEO professionals have probably visited these pages before, most still have not embedded high-quality video content on the pages of their own websites to give visitors relevant and useful information Banner Design that they are looking for. So Google's embedded YouTube videos seem to be hidden in plain sight. Advertising Continue reading below And, if you think I picked these examples, it's worth noting that Google and YouTube have 51 different YouTube channels and they've uploaded 906 videos in the last 90 days.